Just had to Say Ciao from and to Sicily.
I Am too excited to wait for the next installment!!!!!!!!!!!
Just got back from Termini Imerese, and touched the Soil of My ancestors!!! Two lovely ladies in the Uffici Comunale helped us find not only birth certificates but Marriage certificates and… The address of my grandparents in the late 1800’s.... before they were married!!!! We walked the streets and tasted the air that they breathed.... (Film at 11… tons of pics to follow)
The ever Antsy and Hungry Illy is once again bugging me to FEED HER..... Just stopped at the Hotel Bel3 to retrieve and pack our laundry and to pen this little note.....
For those who have not had a chance to see our Greeting Sign on the roof, It is taped to two chairs in front of the mast in the center of the cam view and they will leave it up for the evening
{Chucky Note-2... see note 1- the webcam link has chaged and the sign is long gone...Hey its over 15 years...An many more NOWAT to come}
Ciao for now
Chuck and the ever Starving and quite impatient Cuban Lady