Quick NOTE
We just got to Palermo, its 8.30AM here now and the View of the City below is INCREDIBLE!!! They have a web cam on the roof of the hotel and you can see what we see from our balcony. I’m attempting to get a big poster or something to put on the right corner of the roof in front of the camera with a big "HI". With any luck I’ll get it up sometime today and hopefully they will leave it up till tomorrow.
{Chucky Note: since this was first written in 2001, the link to webcam view had since been passord Protected and besides... the sign is long gone}
NOWAT journals will continue this evening with a roundup of all of the Rome Highlights, the trip to Positano (unbelievable), Awesome Pompei, the Boat trip to Sicily, and Day one in Sicily...
The ever impatient Illy is anxious to get me to Termini Imerese, the soil of my ancestors so....
Ciao for now.
Chuck and the Antsy (and still recovering) Cuban Lady